ABA Services

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Child ABA Therapy

A reliable autism diagnosis can happen by age 2. Every child with autism presents signs differently. Their actions and behaviors can be mild or severe. We will cater our therapy to fit your child's individual needs.

Pro-Health Behavioral Center provides Child ABA services that are focused on supporting children with autism or developmental disorders. Their services aim to enhance children's skills, promote independence, and improve overall well-being.

Here's an overview of what Child ABA services at Pro-Health Behavioral Center may involve:

  • Individualized treatment plans: Pro-Health Behavioral Center creates individualized treatment plans based on the unique needs and goals of each child. These plans outline the specific skills and behaviors to be targeted and the strategies to be implemented.
  • Communication skills: ABA therapists at Pro-Health Behavioral Center work with children to improve their communication abilities. This includes developing language skills, expanding vocabulary, improving social communication, and enhancing non-verbal communication skills.
  • Social skills: Pro-Health Behavioral Center emphasizes teaching appropriate social behavior. Therapists help children learn to engage in play, share, take turns, make friends, and demonstrate empathy. They may use role-playing, social stories, and other strategies to facilitate these skills.
  • Daily living skills: ABA services at Pro-Health Behavioral Center support children in acquiring essential self-help and daily living skills. This may include personal hygiene routines, dressing independently, and developing mealtime skills.
  • Behavior management: A key aspect of ABAAn is behavior management. Pro-Health Behavioral Center employs strategies to identify the triggers and functions of challenging behaviors. They work with children and their families to develop behavior intervention plans that address problem behaviors and promote positive replacement behaviors.

We also practice some activities to target Gross and Fine Motor Skills:

Gross Motor Skills:

  • Obstacle course: Therapists set up physical challenges, such as crawling through tunnels, climbing obstacles, and jumping on mats. This activity promotes coordination, balance, and strength.
  • Ball games: Throwing, catching, and kicking balls help children develop coordination, balance, and motor planning skills. Therapists may introduce different-sized balls or incorporate targets to make the activity more challenging.
  • Balancing activities: Therapists may use balance beams, foam pads, or stepping stones to help children improve their balance and stability. These activities can be modified to suit various skill levels, gradually increasing difficulty as the child progresses.

Fine Motor Skills:

  • Playdough or clay manipulation: Children are encouraged to manipulate and mold playdough or clay, promoting fine motor skills like hand strength, finger dexterity, and coordination. Therapists may introduce vario like rolling pins, cookie cutters, or small utensils to enhance the activity.
  • Scissor skills: Therapists work with children to develop scissor skills by engaging in activities like cutting along lines, practicing cutting various shapes, or cutting out pictures from magazines. This activity helps improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor control.
  • Puzzles and building blocks: Therapists use puzzles and building blocks to enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Children manipulate small puzzle pieces or blocks to complete a picture or construct a structure, promoting finger dexterity and problem-solving abilities.
  • Writing and drawing activities: Therapists incorporate writing and drawing activities focusing on formation, fine motor coordination, and pencil grip. Children may practice tracing letters, coloring within lines, or copying simple shapes or words.

The activities mentioned above are just a few examples, and therapists at Pro-Health Behavioral Center customize the activities based on each child's needs and goals. They ensure the activities are enjoyable and engaging, gradually challenging children to improve their gross and fine motor skills.

Pro-Health Behavioral Center utilizes various strategies for positive reinforcement. While the specific strategies may vary depending on each child's preferences and needs, some common approaches include:

  • Token systems: Children may earn tokens or points for demonstrating desired behaviors or accomplishing specific goals. These tokens can be exchanged for preferred items, activities, or privileges.
  • Verbal praise and rewards: Therapists provide immediate and specific verbal praise to acknowledge and reinforce positive behaviors. In addition, tangible rewards such as small toys, stickers, or treats may be used to strengthen and motivate.
  • Social reinforcement: Pro-Health Behavioral Center encourages the child's family and peers to provide social reinforcement. This can include hugs, high-fives, positive comments, and other forms of encouragement to reinforce and support positive behaviors.
  • Visual supports: Visual supports like charts, schedules, and visual prompts may reinforce and remind children of expectations and the rewards associated with desired behaviors.
Pro-Health Behavioral Center continually evaluates and adjusts the reinforcement strategies.

It is important to note that ABA services are highly individualized, and therapists tailor their strategies and reinforcement systems to each child's unique needs. They continuously monitor progress and make necessary modifications to ensure that the child is receiving the most effective support.